HB School Bells

Hisey School Bells are available in 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 inch diameters.   Hisey School Bells have a comfortable grip handle made of cherry or oak.   Our School Bells are known for a loud, clear, bright musical ring.  School Bells are hardworking bells designed for everyday use.  They are ruggedly made and have become popular as track and swim meet lap bells because they can handle the damp rigors and harsh environment of the job.  These bells are in popular use as playground bells, ward ringing bells, town crier bells, desk bells, table bells, service bells, sales bells, school bells, and lap bells.   School Bells are a perfect fit for any application needing a hand bell.


HB Logo gold  Pricing for School Bells.

2 inch School Bell  $29.00 + $7.00 shipping.*

3 inch School Bell  $39.00 + $7.00 shipping.*

4 inch School Bell  $49.00 + $9.00 shipping.*

5 inch School Bell  $59.00 + $11.00 shipping.*

6 inch School Bell  $69.00 + $12.00 shipping.*

*Shipping charges quoted for the US lower 48 states.

HB Logo gold  Click here for Hisey School Bell ordering page and info.



HB School Bells


Hisey School Bells are available in 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6 inch diameters.   Hisey School Bells have a comfortable grip handle made of cherry or oak.   Our School Bells are known for a loud, clear, bright musical ring.  School Bells are hardworking bells designed for everyday use.  They are ruggedly made and have become popular as track and swim meet lap bells because they can handle the damp rigors and harsh environment of the job.  These bells are in popular use as playground bells, ward ringing bells, town crier bells, desk bells, table bells, service bells, sales bells, school bells, and lap bells.   School Bells are a perfect fit for any application needing a hand bell.


HB Logo gold  Pricing for School Bells.

2 inch School Bell  $29.00 + $7.00 shipping.*

3 inch School Bell  $39.00 + $7.00 shipping.*

4 inch School Bell  $49.00 + $9.00 shipping.*

5 inch School Bell  $59.00 + $11.00 shipping.*

6 inch School Bell  $69.00 + $12.00 shipping.*

*Shipping charges quoted for the US lower 48 states.

HB Logo gold  Click here for Hisey School Bell ordering page and info.

HB Logo gold  Link to www.hiseybells.org for a Gallery of Hisey bells.


HB Logo gold  Contact Hisey Bells

David Hisey, Bellfounder

Hisey Bells
581 Capps Rd.
Greenfield, OH 45123


Call, text, voicemail (740) 333-7669

Please call, write, or e-mail, with any questions or specification you need for a Hisey Bell.   Any order can be made over the phone, let us do the paperwork!



Long May She Wave Hisey Bells are made in the USA