Personalization and dedications are free of charge and included in the price of the bell. Text personalization and dedications can be A thru Z, (all upper case) lower case m n e c o r, 0 thru 9, / & ! # , . -, . Character allowances; Up to 200 characters on 8 inch bells and up to 125 characters on 6 inch bells. Logos can be added at an additional cost. Call, text, voicemail, e-mail, or traditional mail, for quote on logo additions. We will need to see an example of your logo to get you and exact quote on your logo addition to a bell. *
Ring to order, meetings, gatherings, meals, and conferences. Boardroom Bells also make a great “sales bell”, providing a motivational and rewarding ring announcing a job well done!
* A word about Hisey logo artwork; Logo artwork is done as a three dimensional, multi layered, raised relief mold extending from the surface of the bell. The logo mold is made as part of the master mold and is cast into each bell as one piece with the bell. We don’t chemical etch, sandblast, or engrave pre-made cold bells. Each bell is manufactured brand new, unique, and just for you. Our process makes only the finest bells.
8″ Boardroom Bells with text dedications are $489.00 + $32.00 shipping anywhere in the continental US.
6″ Boardroom Bells with text dedications are $429.00 + $22.00 shipping anywhere in the continental US.
Click here for Boardroom bell ordering form.
Link here to www.hiseybells.org for a Gallery of Hisey Bells
Contact Hisey Bells
David Hisey, Bellfounder
Hisey Bells
581 Capps Rd.
Greenfield, OH 45123
Call, text, voicemail (740) 333-7669
Please call, text, voicemail, write, or e-mail, with any questions or specification you need for a Hisey Bell. Any order can be made over the phone, let us do the paperwork!
Hisey Bells are made in the USA