Hisey Bells can add your logo, emblem, icons, insignia, or graphics to just about any of our bell styles. For instance; we commonly add raised relief graphics to our Contemporary Bells, Traditional Bells, Boardroom Bells, Table bells, Police Bells, Fire Bells, Emergency Responder Bells, Victory Bells, and even many of our Hand Bells of various types. All of our large bells look really spectacular with added logos and graphics. Hisey Hand Bells with a logo added are very popular in the business and corporate world as gifts and commemorative keepsakes. We keep permanent molds for many business, private, and government entities making many copies of the same bells with logos over time for retirement gifts and awards as needed. Logo Bells are also popular with churches, businesses, and communities, and as centennial, and bi-centennial bells celebrating landmarks in time.
Please review our many different types of bells and and imagine them with your logo. Then contact us or give us a call for further details.
Link here for more information on ordering Logo Bells.
Link to www,hiseybells.org for a Gallery of Hisey bells.
Contact Hisey Bells
David Hisey, Bellfounder
Hisey Bells
581 Capps Rd.
Greenfield, OH 45123
Call, text, voicemail (740) 333-7669
Please call, write, or e-mail, with any questions or specification you need for a Hisey Bell. Any order can be made over the phone, let us do the paperwork!
Hisey Bells are made in the USA